There is a big difference between punishment and trials. But many people doesn't care about that. They think that the difficulties encountered in the way of God as the cause of their destruction. In fact that is what will lead to progress for them.
One of the difference is when people try to keep the punishment, then he's always tripping.
But to whom the test down, it will lead to understanding (learning) new to him. Then he began to understand the problem well.
And then, punishment usually given overall, to many people.
Whereas Trials usually given for individual person.
Another difference is when someone is being tested, they will feel a delicacy, because they feel confident that they're sacrificing some thing low for something better.
It means, when people faced trials, not to cause sorrow despair in ourselves, because people take that, "I'm sacrificing something that does not mean to something sublime." Although sometimes the feeling of suffering severe punishment could be lost. But this happens is because the power to feel is gone.
وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَقُولُ ائْذَن لِّي وَلاَ تَفْتِنِّي أَلاَ فِي الْفِتْنَةِ سَقَطُواْ
It means: "Among them are some who say:" Give me permission (do not go to war) and do not make me fall into slander. "(Surah At-Taubah: 49)
Indeed exams or trials that are inflicted upon the person when the person is saying to the Prophet permit application due to the weakness of their faith to join the war in the way of Allah against the Romans with an excuse beauty of Roman women who can make them resistant and will not affect their jihad.
Thus can be understood that the trial or test is broader or more general than the disaster. Because it is not called a disaster except for something that is not fun for a while to get a test or trial can be a joy or misery. And sometimes the effect of the reinforcements' is heavier than the disaster. People are sometimes able to survive in the faith as a difficulty but lost his faith when getting pleasure.
There are the other opinion from :
- Punishment will result in destruction and perdition, while the examination is not, the difficulty is felt by both conditions. Consider the subject (life) Prophet Muhammad, although many times he caught in the grip of the enemy in his own state, but Allah Ta'ala always save he SAW, but Abu Jahl who was caught only once with his army, instant death.
- Punishment will result in increased losses, but on the contrary den gan a trial will increase the benefits. For example test / exam is like a rubber ball, how hard he was thrown, that's as good as he would jump up and down, but after a man fell into a punishment, he will not rise again.
- To whom a Punishment is lowered, it will arise a sense of desperation and fear inside him. But to whom fell the exam, then in his heart there will be peace and tranquility. When the punishment referred to as maghdlub down then, alas, I was dead or if he is not afraid of punishment, then feeling selfish arrogant and turmoil began to master his heart and he will think, who is able to kill me? but when temptation comes, then the man says, no matter, I am weak and helpless but heroic savior is almighty, and faith in Allah Ta'ala are increasing rapidly, so prejudice either against God Almighty increasingly more powerful.
- When people try to keep the punishment, then he's always tripping. But to whom the test down, will make a new understanding (lesson, fehm violence) and then he began to understand the problem well. Consider the Prophet Muhammad, how to comb the footsteps of the kuffar He thus arrived at the Cave of Tyre (At the time of Hijrah-Pent). And the tracker says: "or maybe he ascended to heaven Or here (in caves). They really believe the words of the tracker. At that time the Prophet Muhammad's life in a very dangerous situation. But the Prophet did not feel the slightest worry, he even began to compose Hazrat Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with Laa said Tahzan Innal Looha Ma'ana, do not be sad! Allah Ta'ala with us, as well a while he was sleeping, suddenly a heathen sword to him and he wanted to kill Muhammad, but he did not feel the slightest fear of him and he answers questions with full ketengan the infidel, he asks: " Who now could save you? He replied: "Allah". After seeing the incredible calm conditions were such that this heathen trembled so that the sword fell from his hand.
- The fifth difference is when the exam, in man there is no sense to try, when temptation comes, people assume it does not mean trouble, and he will feel a delicacy because there is confidence in his heart that I'm not giving up something valuable for something noble example wealth disappeared, then he would say (the treasure) has gone to Allah Almighty, because it's what cares, or even if it his son died, so she said she is Allah who has given the child, even if it he took it back, what should be saddened? There are events Hazrat Promised Messiah as. He loved Mia Mubarak Ahmad and when he was ill he as often keeping with this thought about also by Hazrat Khalifatul Awwal Still, even if it Mubarak Ahmad died, then Hazrat Promised Messiah as would be very sad. At the last moment Awwal Hazrat Khalifatul still consider her veins (Mia Mubarak), and he told ra Hazrat Promised Messiah as you please bring musk oil, because his pulse stopped, he thinks that Hazrat Promised Messiah as would be deeply saddened by the death Mia Mubarak, so that (he thinks ra) such as he would feel sad, so when standing as he was going to fall. But when Hazrat Promised Messiah as knowing that Mubarak Ahmad was dead, then at that time patiently He began writing letters to my friend that Mubarak Ahmad was dead. But should not worry about this, this is one will of Allah Almighty and we must be patient in the face and he went out with a smile and began to preach that inspiration with regard to Mubarak Ahmad Mia is now perfect, as there is a poem he as a reads: The call is the most beautiful (handsome) He told you rest your soul, O heart! "
- The point is that in the exam, do not make desperate sadness in themselves, because people assume that I'm giving up something that does not mean to something sublime. Sometimes in severe punishment to be erased any sense of suffering. But this happens is because the power to feel is gone. Once when Hazrat Khalifah al-Awwal ra shows a woman and asked her (the woman) how are you-so's brother? The woman replied with a smile that he was dead, so also when asked (news) one of two brothers again he replied with a smile that they were dead. Although from the makrifat he used to do it, but has disease in it no longer left to feel the feelings of sadness.
- The difference is the sixth that in Wrath, spirituality will decrease, on the contrary in the exam, spirituality to be increased, because in Wrath will make the man farthest from God, but in the exam, the attention it will increase again to Allah Ta'ala.
This is the big differences between the test and the punishment that should be known.(Tafsir Kabir jilid 7 hal 596 –597)
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